In an area of complex regulations, which are increasingly international in their scope, companies must be able to rely on the services of Advisors capable of assisting them effectively on a day-to-day level in determining their market strategies .

France is often viewed by the foreign businessman as a country where the legal and administrative constraints are difficult to grasp, and generally speaking a deterrant for quick and efficient achievement.

In this context, our goal is to help our clients make the right choices while gaining a clear and complete understanding of the issues facing them and thus optimizing the success of their ventures.

Murielle Cahen, with Offices in Paris 5th, is a French business lawyer, working with other lawyers via the Internet, which devotes its activity primarily to firms and companies which are developing in the sector of new computer and communication technologies - data processing, data transmission, telecommunications, audiovisual .

The law firm of Murielle CAHEN, is also developing a pre-litigation and litigation activity in the fields of domestic and international law. She and her partners are also doing consulting, negotiation and assistance in writing contracts, in dealing with institutions governing or regulating the sector (AFNIC, APP, ART, CNIL, CSA, CST, CTA, INPI, INTERNIC, DPT, ... etc.) the protection of innovations inside and outside the company (creation of activities, corporate life, all operations pertaining to the opening-up of the capital, dissolution, liquidation out of or in court) french labor and civil laws.

Murielle CAHEN law firm is aware of your economic realities and ensures that the costs reflect the quality of the services provided. Our customers are informed from the beginning of the costs of our intervention through a written estimate. We supports the practice of provisions and regular payments .

Do not hesitate to contact us, should you need further informations.


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